Head of the Department of relations with the academic structures of foreign of ANAS Presidium Administration Department of International Relations Bunyamin Seyidov is in scientific mission in Rostov (Russian Federation).
The main goal - is to participate in the meeting of the Working Group under Organization of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) on Science and Technology (16-17 May 2016).
Meeting, which held by the organizational support of Russian Southern Federal University, attended representatives of BSEC member countries, including a number of scientists and engineers.
On the first day of the event, the Working Group discussed the Action Plan of the Organization for the 2014-2018, and also held an exchange of views on the innovations, occurring in the field of science and technology.
BSEC Member countries expressed opinions and offers concerning financing of scientific projects and programs, opportunities of cooperation with the international organizations.
At the meeting also were discussed the possibility of cooperation of ANAS with member countries and issues of personnel and exchange of experience in their respective fields.
For example, is reached a preliminary agreement on the exchange by doctoral students between of ANAS and the Southern Federal University. Based on the agreement the university due to the internal opportunities offered to ANAS doctoral scholarship program for continuing research.
At the event, within framework of the program "Horizon 2020" European Commission also was reached agreement on cooperation between scientific institutions of the BSEC member states.
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