Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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18.05.2016 12:48
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Professor of Turkey Firat University delivered a paper at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

Professor of Turkey Firat University delivered a paper at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics

ANAS Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics hosted the next general seminar on May 18.

During the event, Professor of Turkey Firat University Etibar Panahov delivered a paper on "Some inverse problems and potential spectral theory of differential operators and their applications".

In the report was given information about the inverse problems for differential operators of Bessel type, Kulon, canonical Dirac operator and the diffusion equation. It was noted that, inverse problems are considered, based on Nodal data (point and length).

For Nodalny data are given the asymptotic formulas and the theorem of unity is proved.

The report has caused interest of participants of action.

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