Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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23.05.2016 09:33
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ANAS held consultation of summer exam session

ANAS held consultation of summer exam session

Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences held consultation on summer exam session of the doctoral students and magistrates.

Consultation was attended by head of Science and Education Department of ANAS Presidium Administration Dr. Engineering Professor Aminagha Sadigov, chiefs of the education divisions under scientific ventures, including directly responsible people for education organization in doctoral and master studies.

Opening the event Professor Aminagha Sadigov stated that, the summer session in 2016 for doctoral students will be carried out from May 25 until June 25, while for the magistrates from the June 1 until July 5. He noted that specialty disciplines for doctoral students will be held in the first decade of the session and all examinations will be conducted on a test basis.

Later on, chief of the Education Division under Science and Education Department PhD in Chemistry Omar Gulalov reported in organization of doctoral exams over Philosophy and drew attention to the implementation of the exams on June 20-22. Division chief also noted the conduction dates of exams according to the institutes as well.

Then, Deputy Chief of Scientific-Analytical Division PhD in Engineering Huseyn Huseynov informed on the organization of master studies in ANAS and noted that, preparatory works for masters’ summer exam session has been already completed. State Exam Center allocated 63 planned places in 19 specialties for master studies of ANAS in 2016/2017 academic year. Though ANAS has a right of interview for selection, so interview commissions over proper specialties have been created at the relevant institutions, he said.

Head of Training-Innovation Center in ANAS Institute of Information Technology Resmiyye Mahmudova brought to mind that, a part of scientific ventures were provided with software due to ensure conduction of doctoral exams on test basis through ICT.

In closing, Head of Science and Education Department Aminagha Sadigov responded the attendees’ numerous questions.

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