Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


25.05.2016 16:45
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Delivered a lecture on the language policy pursued in Azerbaijan

Delivered a lecture on the language policy pursued in Azerbaijan

At the regular meeting of ANAS Presidium was delivered the report by Director of the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi, corresponding member of ANAS Mohsun Naghisoylu on "Language Policy in Azerbaijan in the period of independence and future challenges" on May 25.

Speaking about the important merits of national leader Heydar Aliyev in the development and protection of Azerbaijani language in the period of independence, Mohsen Naghisoylu noted that, the great leader always treated to language policy as to one of priority spheres of a state policy.

Director of the Institute noted that, language policy is successfully continued by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and added that, in accordance with the signed by the President Decree "On implementation of mass publications in Azerbaijani language with Latin graphics" from January 12, 2004, were reprinted most valuable examples of Azerbaijani literature, culture and science.

Speaking about the Order about "A state program on use of Azerbaijani in the conditions of globalization according to requirements of time and to development of linguistics in the country", speaker noted that, the purpose of the State program is increase in care of the state of use and application of Azerbaijani, ensuring use of Azerbaijani in the conditions of globalization according to requirements of time. He also gave details on the paragraphs of Actions Plan, which developed for the implementation of the State Program.

Then, M.Naghisoylu spoke about a number activities carried out in the Institute of Linguistics, and stressed that, the ongoing structural changes in the institute contribute to the integration of domestic linguistics in world science, the recognition of outstanding linguists of the country on an international scale, as well as the expansion of research, which are conducted for the purpose of studying the literary language history, ancient languages and cultures, languages of indigenous peoples living in the country. The speaker noted that, at the Institute were created Department of Ancient Languages and Cultures, Sociolinguistics and Language policy, Computer Linguistics and Monitoring.

He added that, carried out targeted measures for saving the purity of the native language and preventing violations of the norms of the literary language: "The staff of the Institute periodically checks and controls, taking steps to remedy the shortcomings. Standards of the Azerbaijani literary language are often broken on television and broadcasting, in press organs and social networks. In order to ensure active public participation in the prevention of violations in this area and the operational activities recently Linguistics Institute launched a hot line".

Director of the Institute noted that, in accordance with the appeals of President Ilham Aliyev related to the need to preserve the purity of the Azerbaijani language, which is the spiritual wealth of our people at the linguistics Institute are carried out important research work.

Then, ANAS Presidium was adopted the resolution according to which the Institute of linguistics after Nasimi has been given the instructions covering such questions as creation according to the international standards of national terminological information system, development of the plan of measures in connection with creation of information base of Azerbaijani as state and the plan of offers for development of the etymological dictionary of Azerbaijani preparation of the new advanced explanatory dictionary of Azerbaijani, and also in connection with the announcement of 2016 a Year of Multiculturalism in Azerbaijan, it was entrusted to expand works in the sphere of studying of languages of the people living in Azerbaijan and ethnic groups, questions of language communications and interferences.

In addition, it was decided to prepare and implement new projects for the study of the ancient world's languages and cultures, to expand work in the comparative study of grammar of Turkic languages and prepare joint projects covering common alphabet and common grammar, accelerate work on the preparation and publication of dialectological atlases Azerbaijani language on different regions, to prepare an action plan for the creation of a common terminology of Turkic languages.

Also in the resolution reflected issues such as the establishment of international cooperation with the leading scientific centers of the world and the implementation of joint projects aimed at the study of the actual problems of Linguistics, the implementation of appropriate measures to strengthen the state language propaganda in the media, the development of new scientific grammar of the Azerbaijani language and identification of priority areas related to sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics, considering the trends of contemporary development of linguistics in the world.

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