Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


25.05.2016 16:36
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A scientific-practical conference "The material and spiritual heritage of Irevan"

A scientific-practical conference "The material and spiritual heritage of Irevan"

On May 25, Presidium of ANAS held a scientific-practical conference of young researchers "The material and spiritual heritage of Irevan".

The event was held under the joint organizational support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Institute of History of ANAS named A.A.Bakikhanov and Regional Development Association of Youth “Bizim Nesil” (Our Generation).

Chairman of the Regional Development Association of Youth "Our Generation" Nuraddin Mehdiyev said that the main purpose of the conference is the scientific study of Irevan city, which possessing a medieval urban culture, its place in the history of our state, social, political and cultural role, meanwhile, the falsification of history by Armenians, relocated to our ancient territory.

The event highlighted the importance of expanding the role of young researchers in the study and promotion of the material and cultural monuments and spiritual heritage of Irevan.

Director of the Institute of History, corresponding member of ANAS Yagub Mahmudov said that the area on which now is Armenia, in the beginning of the XIX century belonged to Irevan khanate, was part of the Azerbaijan state. The scientist said: "The land on which was formed Irevan khanate, was one of the most ancient Turkic lands. Most of the important historical events and processes described in the heroic epos of Turkic peoples "Kitabi-Dede Gorgud ", took place in the territory of Irevan khanate.

Y.Mahmudov noted that a team of the Institute of History prepared the book "Irevan khanate: Russian occupation and resettlement of Armenians in Azerbaijani lands" was published in Azerbaijani, English, Russian, Romanian, Italian, Spanish and Arabic. The scientist said that the resettlement of Armenians in Azerbaijani lands in the XIX century is the historical truth. One of the undeniable historical facts is that the famous Russian artist V.I.Mashkov devoted a separate picture of the resettlement of Armenians in Azerbaijani lands in 1828.

Then, speaking MPs Ganira Pashayeva, Musa Gasimli and others also spoke about the importance of detailed informing the world community about the historical realities that Irevan territory belongs to Azerbaijan, as well as falsification of Armenian historical facts.

Further reports were presented young researchers "Irevan - ancient land of Azerbaijan (in the cultural and historical aspect)", "Irevan city - the first target of the Armenian terrorism", "Educational activities of the Azerbaijani intelligentsia Irevan (XIX-XX centuries) ","Irevan mosques among Islamic landmarks ","Fortified town of Azerbaijan - Irevan", "Samples of Azerbaijani art in Irevan (in historical perspective)" and others.

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