Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


27.05.2016 15:01
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Institute of Genetic Resources hosted the international training course

Institute of Genetic Resources hosted the international training course

ANAS Institute of Genetic Resources by the organizational support of Kew Gardens (London, United Kingdom) was held for 5-day international training course on "Methods of collecting, processing and conservation of wild ancestors of cultivated plants seeds".

The event was held to support the international project dedicated to the collection of wild ancestors of cultivated plants in Azerbaijan, which is funded by the Trust Global Fund on the genetic diversity of plants.

At the international event, 16 scientists and specialists of the Institute and 4 specialists of the Institute of Botany of the Georgian Republic and the National Botanic Gardens acquired new knowledge in the field of training of expedition to study the wild ancestors of cultivated plants, collecting plant samples using modern methods of protection, treatment and processing of seeds.

One day course was devoted to practical training in team activities on the Absheron-Gobustan region, as well as training software GIS (Geographic Information System).

The International Training Course, which lasted for a week, was useful to young specialists from the point of view of assignment of necessary knowledge and skills, accumulation of experience in the corresponding directions, expansion of scientific communications.

In conclusion, the participants were awarded international certificates.

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