ANAS Vice-President, director of the Scientific Center "Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia" Academician Tofig Nagiyev met with the first Deputy Chief Editor of the Russian newspaper "Poisk" Elizabeth Ponarina.
First, Academician T.Nagiyev informed about the special volume "Azerbaijan" of "Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia". He informed that, published in 2007 in Azerbaijani and Russian languages special volume included about 160 essays. In this volume, from a scientific point of view, comments on the process of formation of our people, questions of ethno genesis, the history of statehood, as well as genocides, from time to time committed against the Azerbaijani people.
Academic said that, by AR President Ilham Aliyev played a great role on preparation of special volume. According to him, on the instructions of AR President in the preparation of publications, special attention was paid to the accuracy of facts, respecting the principle of the encyclopedia were not allowed distortion.
T. Nagiyev has also noted that, published with a circulation of 25 thousand copies the Azerbaijani National Encyclopedia has been widespread on libraries, managements, establishments and the organizations of the country.
Scientist noted that in the publication the period of independence, which is a new stage in our history, is illuminated in an encyclopedic style and to the reader is presented the objective information about it.
Academician said that, in each of the first three volumes of the universal encyclopedia has about 2800-3500 terms.
The book also reflected materials on priority directions of Azerbaijan's economy at the present stage, the factors that ensure its sustainable development, and complex activities carried out in the country.
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