Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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13.09.2016 09:36
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Sheki hosted the conference devoted to the demographic development issues

Sheki hosted the conference devoted to the demographic development issues

On September 12-13, 2016, Sheki city hosted the international conference “Demographic development in the Republic of Azerbaijan: outlooks for population settling and regional problems”.

The aim of the event co-organized by Institute of Geography of ANAS named after Academician H.A.Aliyev, Knowledge Foundation under President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Sheki region Executive Power and Sheki Regional Scientific Center, is demographic development issues, effectively settling the territorial organization of the population, ethnic composition of the population, multiculturalism and tolerance, tourism resources etc.

Opening the conference Deputy Head of Sheki region Executive Power Hasan Hasanov greeted the guests and spoke about the importance of the conference.

Later on, director of the Institute of Geography of ANAS Academician Ramiz Mammadov informed on the issues of agenda – modern demographic state of Azerbaijan, problems of population settling, discussion its solution ways. Scientist stated that, economic changes, occurring since the first years of independence, had negative impact on demographic development: "As a result of difficulties in regional settling of the population, supply the population with jobs, especially hard welfare, the migration has increased and major part of people concentrated in Absheron. 

R. Mammadov noted that, in the meeting devoted to 70th anniversary of ANAS, President Ilham Aliyev had set forth scientists to focus on regulation of demographic development.

It was noted that, although the implementation of the state programs on socio-economic development of the regions, and particular changes in demographic structure and settling structure, differences between the capital and the regions, located in the mountainous and plain areas are remained. In the densely populated Baku-Sumgait industrial hub, which of intense environmental conditions, are continuing influx of people, mountain villages become empty, and vast forests out of economic circulation.

Then, Head of Administration of the Knowledge Foundation under AR President Dr. Law Professor Isakhan Veliyev said that different nations to live in environment of multiculturalism attaches importance in population demography. Although different nationalities live in Sheki-Zagatala, creation of equal conditions for all of them do not allow for a mechanical movement, he added.

Reporting at the event director of the Sheki Regional Scientific Center PhD in Physics - Math Prof. Yusif Shukurlu touched upon issues of science development in Azerbaijan. He coordinated the holding of this event just in Sheki with strategic importance of this region.

Delivering a lecture on topic “Soil foundation and in-space condition in Sheki region”, department chief of the State Committee on Property Issues, Professor Ramiz Guliyev informed about the execution of electronic cadastral registration of Azerbaijan lands on the territory. He analyzed land division in Sheki region from various aspects - quantity, quality, property types of rural-agricultural lands.

Afterwards, conference continued its work on breakout sessions.

On the first day of the conference breakout session were held on topics "The demographic situation and problems of socio-economic development of Sheki-Zagatala economic region", and "Natural and devastating events in Sheki-Zagatala economic region and protection measures".

Lectures on following topics were listened at the conference: "The regional problems of demographic development and demographic policy (in the example of Sheki-Zagatala economic region)", "Population settling in Sheki administrative region and regulation ways of demographic development”, "The role of the tourism economy in sustainable development of the Azerbaijan regions and its impact on labor resources", " The effects of dangerous natural-destructive phenomena in Shaki Zagatala economic region to the natural-economic system" etc.

On the second day of the conference was discussed the topic "Efficient use of natural, economic and ecological landscape building in Sheki-Zagatala economic region".

Then, questions of participants were responded.

After extended discussions, a resolution was adopted based on proposals made at the conference.

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