On September 14, meeting with new magistrates of academy was held at the Institute of Dendrology of ANAS. The event brought together Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Vice-Presidents, directors of the institute and organizations, chiefs of Educational departments, scientists and specialists.
In advance, President of ANAS Acad. Akif Alizadeh made speech on the importance of organizing magistracy in ANAS and appreciated this step as a one of the achievements obtained in integration of science and education. He said that along with attending the international event the undergraduates of magistracy will be able to meet and exchange ideas via world-renowned scientists. In the near future under the auspices of the academy is planning to establish a university or high school. It will give the opportunity for undergraduates both to study and gain experience by working in the laboratory, he stressed out.
Scientist uncovered the results of admission to masters’ degree of ANAS in a current year. Thus, 56 individuals on 19 specialties were accepted, while 47 of them are girls and 9 boys. In order to study at the magistracy of ANAS totally over 600 applications were submitted.
Head of Science and Education Office of the Presidium Administration of ANAS Dr. Engineering Aminagha Sadigov spoke about complex measures taken in ANAS for accelerating scientific staff training in the country and increasing youth’s interest in science. According to him, for the first time in the history of ANAS was established master studies in ANAS last year, 19 individuals were admitted to magistracy during 2015-2016 academic year, while 56 individuals on 19 specialties during 2016-2017 academic year.
Then, young people who gained magistrate name of ANAS were donated student cards, record books and gifts.
In closing, magistrates and their parents expressed gratitude to the president of ANAS for care and attention to young scientists.
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