Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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10.10.2016 15:56
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“Azerbaijan emigrant literature: realities, problems and tasks” international conference launched

“Azerbaijan emigrant literature: realities, problems and tasks” international conference launched

On October 10, 2nd international scientific conference “Azerbaijan emigrant literature: realities, problems and tasks” co-organized by Central Scientific Library and Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi has launched.

At the event, Vice-President of ANAS, director of the Institute of Literature, Academician Isa Habibbeyli spoke about multifaceted significance of Azerbaijan emigrant literature, factors which made it necessary and upcoming tasks before literature criticism. He stated that, first conference devoted to emigrant literature was carried out 25 years ago initiated by Yashar Guliyev.

It was noted that, pursuant to the Order of AR President Ilham Aliyev “on holding 130th anniversary of Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh” dated November 22, 2013, Institute of Literature has launched the publication of book series “Library of Azerbaijan emigrant literature”. First cover from the book series “Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh” was published yet. The book deals with emigrant creativity of Mahammad Amin Rasulzadeh –one of the founders of Azerbaijan People Republic.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli also noted that, seventh edition of Azerbaijan history book is under prep. At the end of his speech he expressed confidence in results achieved in event and wished successes to the work of conference.

Academician-Secretary of Humanities Division of ANAS, Academician Teymur Karimli, Academician-Secretary of the Division of Social Sciences, corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova, Chief of Ataturk Center to Azerbaijan, corresponding member of ANAS Nizami Jafarov, Professor Ramiz Abutalibov, a Turkish scientist, Professor Yavuz Akpinar made speech on idea essence and creativity principles of Azerbaijan emigrant literature.

Then, conference continued in sections and lectures covering different problems of emigrant literature were listened in plenary sessions.

"The research prospects of Azerbaijan emigration literature", “Literary-publicist embodiment of dreams and realities (Jeyhun Hajibeyli’s memoir “A year in dreams …and a whole lifetime”, "Mahammadali Rasulzadeh and the classic Azerbaijan literature", "Samad Vurgun and Azerbaijan emigrant poetry” etc. lectures were listened and discussions held.

Conference will run until October 11.

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