Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


14.10.2016 12:30
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State independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan is irreversible and eternal

State independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan is irreversible and eternal

ANAS Nakchivan Division has conducted a conference on topic “State independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan is irreversible and eternal” devoted to the 25th anniversary of removal of the state independence of Azerbaijan Republic.

Chairman of the Division Academician Ismayil Hajiyev opened the event and spoke about second return of national leader Heydar Aliyev, who entered the history as a founder and survivor statesman, in June 1993, his salvation Azerbaijan from great troubles, indefatigable political activities and achievements over the past period.

In recent years, as a result of Heydar Aliyev’s intense performance, our country become member of several international organizations, stepped with democratic development way, noted Acad. I.Hajiyev.

Informing conference attendees on successful progress in all spheres in the Nakchivan Autonomous Republic after removal of independence, orator noted that, multifaceted policy strategy based on national interests, which implemented by national leader is successfully continued in the country, as well as in the region up today.

Corresponding member of ANAS Veli Bakhshaliyev made a lecture on “National leader Heydar Aliyev and reinforcing of state independence”, a leading researcher of the Institute of History, Ethnography and Archaeology of Nakhchivan Division, PhD in History Musa Guliyev "Road leading to independence", a senior researcher of the same institute, PhD in History Yashar Rahimov "State independence - a historic achievement," chief department, and PhD in History Asaf Orujov "Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in the years of independence”.

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