October 19, a regular meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held. The event was listened a report of Academician-Secretary of the Division of Chemical Sciences of ANAS, academician Dilgam Taghiyev on "Status and prospects of research conducted at the institutes of the Department of Chemical Sciences of ANAS".
Noting that the institutions of the Division of Chemical Sciences in the years of its operations have come a long way Dilgam Tagiyev added that an important role in the formation and development of chemical science and industry of Azerbaijan played Academician Yusif Mammadaliyev, Murtuza Naghiyev, Vahab Aliyev, Ali Guliyev and others who created the scientific school, repeatedly honored with state awards.
Head of the Division said that on the basis of carried out in institutions in the years of independence have been obtained many research achievements, having great scientific and practical importance. He noted that in the years 2003-2015. In various fields of chemistry - in oil chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry, chemical kinetics and catalysis, theoretical problems of chemical engineering and technology, high-molecular compounds - important results were obtained.
Academician Dilgam Taghiyev said that over the past five years the institutions of the division repeatedly won competitions for obtaining grants were expanded international connections, two international laboratories are open. Reported that the number of articles published in journals with impact factor, and references to them is growing from year to year, Dilgam Taghiyev added that according to “Scopus” by ANAS, the chemistry in their general academic performance takes 1st place, and chemical Engineering shares 3-5 places.
Head of the Division listed the promising areas that will form the basis of serious and accelerated development of chemical science for 2025 and beyond, related to the priorities set by the scientists President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev, as well as the impact of the global economic crisis and the beginning of the post-oil period. It is the use of high technology and obtaining of inorganic functional materials for medicine - topological insulators and nano-particles and thin layers of similar layered materials with them; development of high technologies of processing of heavy oil residues, oil shale, hydrocarbon mud volcanoes; obtaining non-toxic polymers and nano-carriers biocomposites based on them to improve the efficiency and timing of the effects of medication; biopolymers with properties of biodegradation based on natural and synthetic raw materials; plastics having a long-term life cycle, can replace part of the machinery; utilization of organic chemical synthesis and computer modeling of the target for studying mechanisms of synthesis and effect of highly physiologically active compounds, including drugs, organic reagents for various purposes, and composite materials.
After listening to the report were conducted discussions. The Presidium took the decision about taking into account the data on the state and prospects of development of scientific research conducted at the institutes of the Division of Chemical Sciences of ANAS, and adoption of these promising trends as a basis for further work. Also, institutions of Division instructed to hold a series of appropriate measures were given. The decision reflected issues such as the organization of periodic discussions of research conducted in promising areas, and obtained new results, coordination of institutions and integrating scientific research to improve the fruitfulness of scientific activity, the control of training in master's and doctoral studies in these promising areas etc.
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