Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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24.10.2016 15:12
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International scientific conference dedicated to the notable scientist Professor Jafar Guluzadeh’s 80th anniversary

International scientific conference dedicated to the notable scientist Professor Jafar Guluzadeh’s 80th anniversary

On October 22, Shamakhy Astrophysical Observatory named after N. Tusi of ANAS held an international scientific conference dedicated to 80th anniversary of notable scientist, Dr. Physics-Mathematics Professor Jafar Guluzadeh.

Opening the conference, director of the observatory, corresponding member of ANAS Namig Jalilov stated the significance of the international conference.

Then, Deputy Director of Science at the Observatory, PhD in Physics-Math Elchin Babayev dealt with rich lifetime and achievements of notable scientist. Jafar Guluzadeh, who graduated from Leningrad State University, is an author of over 200 scientific articles and 6 books, 2 methodical instructions and a monograph, as well as research works in the field of solar physics. Differential, an integrated residue and relative asymmetry concepts were offered by him for the first time, he said.

Noted that, Professor J.Guluzadeh is a chief of chair “Astrophysics” at Baku State University since 1997.

Later on, Elchin Babayev drew attention to the attendees the congratulatory letters on the occasion of Jafar Guluzadeh’s 80th anniversary from St-Petersburg, Ukraine, Czech, Germany, Istanbul and Moscow.

Dean of Physics faculty at Baku State University, Dr. Physics-Mathematics Professor Mammadali Ramazanov spoke about scientist’s academic activity in Baku State University.

Professor at Tabriz University Samad Sobhanian, and PhD in Physics-Math Assoc. Prof. Kamala Alishova brought to mind contributions of Jafar Guluzadeh’s studies in science.

Corresponding member Ayyub Guliyev, PhD in Physics-Math Prof. Jasarat Aliyev and Professor at Tabriz University Ali Ajabshirizadeh delivered lectures.

In closing, Prof. J. Guluzadeh expressed his gratitude to event organizers and attendees.

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