Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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02.11.2016 16:27
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Corresponding member Zakir Mammadov is 80 years old

Corresponding member Zakir Mammadov is 80 years old

On November 2, Main building of ANAS by organization of the Institute of Philosophy hosted for scientific conference “25th anniversary of independence Azerbaijan and scientific-philosophical heritage” devoted to the 80th jubilee of notable philosopher and corresponding member of ANAS –Zakir Mammadov.

Opening the event Acting Academician-Secretary of the Division of Social Sciences, corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova informed about notable scientist’s life, creativity and rich heritage.

Then, Academician Vasim Mammadaliyev made a presentation on “Zakir as a close friend and a distinguished scholar”. Over his academic performance Zakir Mammadov made exceptional merits in the history of Azerbaijan Philosophy by using sources in various languages, especially Arabian and Persian, he noted.

Director of the Institute of Philosophy Professor Ilham Mammadzadeh delivered a lecture on “Notbale philosopher – Zakir Mammadov” and said that scientist’s works are precious source for researchers, exploring medieval philosophy and history. Sharing his memories with Zakir Mammadov he spoke about works done at the institute due to perpetuating Z. Mammadov’s memory. I.Mammadzadeh also stated that by the decision of the Presidium scientist’s unpublished works will be released.

At the event, director of National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature Academician Rafael Huseynov made a lecture on “First chronicle of medieval philosophy history” and notified that scientist held conducted his studies on initial sources. Academician told about scientist’s difficulties faced by. A capacious “Analysis” work has been revealed as a result of philosopher’s studies. “Education” work was involved for investigation for the first time by him, noted R. Huseynov and briefed about his interpreter activities.

Doctors of Philosophical Sciences Azer Mustafayev, Rafiga Azimova and others dealt with distinguished scientist’s contributions to Azerbaijan science, his lifetime and human qualifications.

In closing, Z.Mammadov’s daughter Aytek Mammadova thanked to event organizers and attendees on behalf of her family.

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