“Modern Turkological studies: problems and perspectives” international scientific conference co-organized by the Institute of Oriental Studies on behalf of Young Scientists and Specialists kicked off at the Main building of ANAS on November 21.
The event was opened by the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, corresponding member of ANAS Govhar Bakhshaliyeva stated that, the conference has been held in accordance with the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s order "On the 90th anniversary of the 1st Turkological Congress". Director of the institute briefed the participants about the1st Turkological Congress in 1926, its attendees and issues raised therein. “Modern Turkological studies: problems and perspectives” international scientific conference has been submitted 126 lectures, 21 of them are belong to foreign scientists, she added.
Then, academy's Vice President and director of the Institute of Literature Academician Isa Habibbayli called the conference as a significant event. He also notified the preparation of general Turkic language and history textbooks by scientists of the Turkic-speaking countries and would be taught in secondary schools in the 8th class of Azerbaijan, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
Academician-Secretary of the Division of Social Sciences corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova noted that, Azerbaijan has always was an initiator of such conferences aimed at reinforcing relations of Turkic countries and providing the unity.
Deputy Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies, corresponding member of ANAS Shahin Mustafayev, chairman of the Young Scientists and Specialists Council of ANAS PhD in Physics-math Famin Salmanov spoke on the significance of the conference.
Conference to be run until November 22 will go on with plenary sessions in 4 sections at the Institute of Oriental Studies. The meeting will discuss urgent problems of the history of Turkic languages, literature of Turkic peoples; history of the Turkic people and source studies, archeology and ethnography of the Turkic peoples; and economy of the Turkic people.
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