Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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24.11.2016 16:59
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Academician Akif Alizadeh met with doctoral students and magistrates of ANAS

Academician Akif Alizadeh met with doctoral students and magistrates of ANAS

Today, President of ANAS Academician Akif Alizadeh met with doctoral students and magistrates at the Experiment-Industry Plant of ANAS (EIP).

In advance, young scientists got acquainted with key priorities of EIP, works done here and innovative projects implemented.

Then, greeting doctoral students and magistrates Academician A.Alizadeh expressed his satisfaction of meeting with them and stressed out the importance of regular discussions with the youth. Reminding President Ilham Aliyev’s order “On the establishment of High technologies Park of ANAS” dated November 8, 2016 and noted that space of this park is a territory of ANAS EIP.

Notifying the significance of enhancing academic studies in the petrochemistry, the scientist challenged the youth to conduct researches in this field and to acquire international experience.

Later on, head of Administration Office of ANAS PhD in political sciences Fatali Abdullayev made speech on establishment history and main priorities of EIP. He stated that concrete steps are taken for importing manufactured products to the world markets. Agreements are signed with domestic and foreign enterprises and organizations.

Putting to the fore the Order on establishment of High-Tech Park in ANAS F. Abdullayev brought to mind that, it is the first knowledge-based Park in the country.

Head specialist at the Innovation department of Presidium Administration of ANAS Samir Veliyev spoke about HTP and innovation.

Chairman of Young Scientists and Specialists Suleyman Suleymanov stressed out that, Order on the establishment of HTP will play a vital role not only in development of high technologies, but also in realizing potential possibilities of young scientists. He informed about events, innovative issues and international relations of the organization as well.

At the event, employees of EIP Samir Suleymanov and Ayaz Mammadli made presentations on their projects.

In closing, young scientists expressed gratitude to Academician Akif Alizadeh for organizing such event.

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