Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


01.12.2016 09:31
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All-republican scientific seminar on Earth Sciences held

All-republican scientific seminar on Earth Sciences held

ANAS Institute of Geology and Geophysics held all-republican scientific seminar on "The Origin of the Early Pliocene deposits formation and synchronization groups".

Opening the event, Deputy Director for Science, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Dadash Huseynov spoke about the essence of the topic and the current state of research conducted in the area of origin of deposits Early Pliocene reservoir and synchronization groups.

Then, head of the Department of Seismic Stratigraphy of the Institute, Academician Parviz Mammadov was delivered report on topic. Academician noted that, the Early Pliocene deposits are exceptional value in terms of facial-formational composition, thickness, and oil and gas in the sediment of the South Caspian Basin.

The report noted that, the genesis of the productive layer (PL) and the group conditions of sediment accumulation of the early Pliocene, and other important theoretical and practical issues have been studied on the basis of modern and effective teaching tools at a high scientific level.

Studies were carried out in a collaboration with Cambridge, Delft, Paris, Moscow universities, research centers MEBE, Dariyus and oil companies BP and Chevron. Research results were presented in the form of reports in international conferences AAPG, EAGE, SEG, EAOG etc.., Symposiums and were published in influential journals and collections.

It was noted that, one of the practical value of the research results is to identify areas and kartizatsiya-pinching formation of groups of productive layers.

The report aroused great interest among the participants of the seminar.


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