Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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07.12.2016 11:53
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Regular seminar in the II Special department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

Regular seminar in the II Special department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS

Today, II Special Department of the Presidium Administration of ANAS was held.

The event, which was attended by heads of Civil Defense Staff (CD) of scientific institutions and organizations of the Academy, was opened by the head of II Special Department Eldar Guliyev. He noted that this year conducted seminars on a regular basis to provide detailed information about a number of important issues for the country. He brought to the attention that the timely implementation of the tasks arising from the relevant orders and regulations.

Then the heads of civilian staffs told about the results of training management staff of CD, held in November in scientific institutions and organizations.

It was stressed that in 2016, in accordance with the Plan of Civil events held training management staff "Organization management bodies and civil forces during liquidation of consequences of emergency situations." It was noted the importance of implementing the necessary measures to eliminate shortcomings.

The main goal in conducting training management staff of CD is the assimilation of the administrative board, the Commission on Emergency Situations, staffs and non-military forces of civilian requirements of the "Law of Civil Defense" and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of the laws of 25 September 1998; improve knowledge management staff in the field of elimination of consequences of emergency situations, organization of rescue operations and management of civilian forces.

The event took place on a wide exchange of views on improving the level of training and preparation of the Plan of Civil actions for 2017.

Then the chief specialist of the II Special department Alimardan Mammadov put forward suggestions and recommendations in connection with the drawing up of the chiefs of staff of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS GO Plan activities for 2017.

In conclusion, discussed a number of current issues, discussions were held.

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