Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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07.12.2016 16:36
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ANAS investigated a new method for eliminating drug addiction

ANAS investigated a new method for eliminating drug addiction

December 7, the regular meeting of the Presidium of ANAS was held. A report was listened by the head of the Molecular Basis of Integrative Activity Laboratory under Institute of Physiology behalf of A.I Garayev, Doctor of Biological Sciences Arif Mehdiyev on "New immunochemical method for the correction of drug addiction."

The reporter noted that since drug addiction is widespread among the various population groups in the world, it is not only medical but also social problem. According to the scientist, the spiritual world of depleting human, drug addiction turns it into a socially dangerous person.

The scientist stressed that under the influence of certain drugs in the structures of the brain of animals suffering from drug addiction, significantly increases the amount of serotonin, "After the adoption of narcotic drugs cortical cells of the brain are involved in the emergence of strong positive emotions. ANAS Institute of Physiology studied the way the blockade of serotonin transmission signal into the cell. Employees of the institute used the method of selective blockade of serotonin-modulating protein anti-consolidation (SMAB) polyclonal antibodies. Being in direct proportion to the level of serotonin, the protein provides intracellular serotonin signal. After the introduction of the side SMAB ventricular system in conditioned reflex patterns disrupted the formation of memory traces. "

Mehdiyev said that the introduction of morphine in the cingulated cortex of the brain of experimental rats significantly increases the level of SMAB. He noted that when introduced into the abdominal region of the animals addicted to morphine polyclonal antibody levels of morphine consumption is significantly reduced. Having said that, this effect was observed for 8 days, the scientist said that this method does not have an adverse effect on animal behavior. The speaker added that SMAB involved in the formation of psychic dependence on drugs and eliminated by antibodies.

A.Mehdiyev noted that based on the results in the future will be possible to use in a clinical setting immunochemical blockade SMAB correction depending on narcotic drugs of different origin. Laboratory head stressed the usefulness of the joint research in this field with the Drug Treatment Center under AR Ministry of Health and other medical institutions.

After listening to the report, discussions were carried out. Physiology Institute was requested to extend the research to develop a new method for drug dependence correction. It was noted to strengthen material-technical base due to obtain the necessary scientific results as well as appeal to the Ministry of Health to conduct joint research.

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