Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


10.02.2014 00:00
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Next seminar at ANAS Department of Earth Sciences

Next seminar at ANAS Department of Earth Sciences

ANAS Institute of Geology hosted for the next seminar of ANAS Department of Earth Sciences (DES). Opening the seminar academician –secretary of DES corresponding member of ANAS Fakhraddin Gadirov informed about the issues on the agenda.

Making speech on renaming ANAS Institute of Geology into Institute of Geology and Geophysics, F. Gadirov stated that, “Earth physics” section composed of 6 laboratories and equipped with numerous modern devices is operated at the institute. Currently, 7 doctors of sciences and nearly 20 PhDs work here, and base chair of Baku State University locates as well. Taking it into account institute will be renamed into Institute of Geology and Geophysics.

Corresponding members of ANAS Parviz Mammadov, Ramiz Mammadov, Hatam Guliyev and others were attended in the discussions.

In addition, were discussed the opening of the Institute of Oil and Gas, approved the thesis topics of PhDs who entered doctoral training from Institutes of Geology and Geography in 2014.

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