Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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30.12.2016 09:52
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"Azerbaijani solidarity in the modern library: free electronic resources and national digital memory" event held

"Azerbaijani solidarity in the modern library: free electronic resources and national digital memory" event held

Central Scientific Library (CSL) held an event on "Azerbaijani solidarity in the modern library: free electronic resources and national digital memory" devoted to results of 2016 and the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis.

Reporting on the activities led by the structure, Director the library, PhD in Medicine Leyla Imanova spoke about the important progress made in 2016. It was noted that, continuing international exchange by CSL books to foreign libraries.

In December of this year, according to a survey of Azerbaijani readers compiled a list of literature, which is for the purpose of the acquisition, was sent to the foreign partners. As a result, the fund of the Central Scientific Library has received 1,173 pieces of literature (7 copies of books, 1165 - magazines 1 - card).

Based on the appeals received from foreign countries, the Department of forming of CSL funds to various libraries and the organizations sent 61 copies of literature.

Vice-president of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli praised of CSL activities over the past year. Academician noted that, during the year the library was carried out a number of important events.

Informing that, CSL is more modern in comparison with academic libraries in the region, Academician stressed that this institution have been implemented important projects for the formation of the National digital memory, installation of electronic control systems, management of funds, the integration of new and existing resources, as well as carrying out of scientific and ideological activities.

In detail informing on activity of CSL meeting all modern requirements

I.Habibbeyli noted that, it is the largest, and leading universal scientific library of the republic, which has rich fund of scientific publications of national and global importance. Here apply information and communication technologies based on the latest scientific and technological achievements.

Further, reports and presentations on the topic were held.

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