Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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26.01.2017 14:26
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Central Botanical Garden held workshop on “Effective use of electronic databases for scientific studies”

Central Botanical Garden held workshop on “Effective use of electronic databases for scientific studies”

Central Botanical Garden of ANAS held an educational workshop on “Effective use of electronic databases for scientific studies”.

The Acting Director of the Garden, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Vahid Farzaliyev emphasized the importance of research scientists at the international level and the publication of scientific papers in journals with a citation index in terms of integration into the world science.

Doctoral student of the CBG Aynur Arabzade told about the importance of the development experience of databases, requirements for articles in journals with a high index, technology assessments, and print articles in the framework of the contract concluded between ANAS and organization "Thomson Reuters" with the aim of promoting scientific achievements.

The workshop continued by the chief Department of Education of Institute of Botany, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor Rashad Salimov, who briefed the scientists and experts with the rules of the efficient use of capacities and the main elements of the global databases such as the "Web of Science" and "Scopus", during the preparation of the scientific and research work. He explained the rules for the election of the leading international scientific journals included in the information platform "Web of Science", which provides access to the global knowledge base. There were clearly shown the way operating site "Web of Science", which will be open for use by scientific institutions of ANAS, including CBG, as well as the effective use of database search tools scientific reference data.

It should be noted that in October of this year, according to the contract signed between ANAS and the organization of "Thomson Reuters", for the more than 40 research institutions of the Academy and working there scientists and engineers created the possibility of using bibliometrics network ( "Web of Science") platform "Thomson Reuters".

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