Next seminar-training of the 2nd Special Department of ANAS was held on February 1.
Head of the 2nd Special Department Eldar Guliyev opening the event told about issues of agenda.
Informing about the study methodology of training management staff of the Civil Defense, Eldar Guliyev noted that, in accordance with the plan of activities for CD 2017 various seminars planned. The main goal is to implement preventive measures to prevent the alleged emergencies, education of employees of scientific institutions and the verification of their CD training.
Eldar Guliyev noted that, seminars will be organized on a basis of by Presidential Decree detad 18 April 1998 "On application of the Law on Civil Defence", the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic dated September 25, 1998 "On provision of the Civil Defense" command and recommendations CD troops of the Ministry of emergency situations of Azerbaijan Republic.
It was brought to attention that CD training management staff is organized once a year. In the course of training management staff in accordance with the plan of studying the object CD their duties. In 2016, in the course of checks, conduct in academic institutions II Special department identified some shortcomings in conducting training for CD management staff.
Head of the 2ndSpecial Department Eldar Guliyev gave the Chiefs of Staff CD institutions and organizations instruction about strengthening control in the conduct of activities.
Then the chief specialist Alimardan Mahammadov acted in connection with the rules of procedure for the preparation of CD militias directing and command and management staff.
At seminar accordance with the plan of activities in scientific institutions and organizations has been recommended holding of workshops on the occasion of March 1 - World Civil Defence Day.
In conclusion, was discussed a number of current issues.
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