Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


07.02.2017 12:58
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At the meeting held at the Institute of History of Science, discussed a number of important questions

At the meeting held at the Institute of History of Science, discussed a number of important questions

Institute of History of Science held a meeting devoted to the execution of the decision of President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh about the report on the activities of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS in connection with the encyclopedia Wikipedia. The event also highlighted the importance of updating the information in sections according to the structure and adding new data to Wikipedia.

Further the working group on Wikipedia has been created, and the staff of institutes has been informed on instructions for usage the online encyclopedia.

Questions concerning the publication of articles by experts of one of the influential agencies - "Thomson Reuters" in the magazines entering into its base have also been discussed at a meeting. Need of registration of staff of institute for "Thomson Reuters" and inclusions of their scientific articles in its base have been emphasized.

Let's remind that on October 11, 2016 between the most influential supplier and a source of scientific information of "Thomson Reuters" and ANAS was signed the agreement on cooperation. Access over 40 research establishments and their scientists and specialists to bibliometrichesky network ("Web of Science") of the Thomson Reuters platform found reflection in the agreement.

The event was an exchange of views on the representation of the Institute of History of Science at the Joint Trade Union Committee of the Trade Union Organization. Director of this institution, Doctor of History Maryam Seyidbeyli noted the importance of the Joint Trade Union Committee and put forward recommendations and proposals.

Further, as a result of open voting junior research fellow of the Institute of the History of Science Aysel Badalova was elected the Chairman of Trade Union Organization of the structure.

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