Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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15.02.2017 17:56
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The state of future promising areas of research in the field of physical-mathematical sciences and engineering

The state of future promising areas of research in the field of physical-mathematical sciences and engineering

At the regular meeting of the Presidium of ANAS, which took place on February 15 was listened the report of Academician-Secretary of Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences, corresponding member of ANAS Nazim Mammadov "Condition and further promising areas of research in the field of physical and mathematical sciences and engineering ".

Nazim Mammadov said that, guided by the challenges of the XXI century and the priorities set out by President Ilham Aliyev to the scientific institutions, Division has identified the priority areas of research in the field of physical-mathematical sciences and engineering in the coming years. He said that last year in the scientific institutions of separation were carried out research work in priority areas such as condensed matter physics, nuclear physics and high energy physics, theoretical and applied problems of information and telecommunication systems, etc. According to the scientist, we have already started to apply in 2016 the results of 19 research papers: "Algorithms and software of a computer system for the recognition of handwritten forms were developed. The system has been tested in the State examination center for the recognition and processing of responses cards filled with applicants during entrance exams, and was put into operation. In addition, projected at the Institute of management systems and control systems began to be used in mass production association Azneft ".

Stressing that in 2016 was published 1068 articles by division scientists, Nazim Mammadov said that 413 of them were published in journals with impact factor and conference proceedings, which are included in the database SCOPUS and Thomson Reuters.

Speaking about the work carried out during the year in improving the material and technical base and information management system for science, Academician-Secretary noted that to this end have been enhanced technical capabilities of a network of data centers of AzScienceNet, network exit speed of the Internet has increased to 1.41 Gbit /s.

The scientist said that in 2016 in the four institutes of the division receive a master's degree was carried out: "At the present time in our institutions enrolled 22 undergraduates. The division employees carried out teaching activities not only in the republic's universities, but also in the training centers of Turkey, Germany, UK, USA, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and other countries as professors and visiting professors, conduct specialized courses, supervise of undergraduate and graduate students."

Noting that last year in the country were carried out research work on the study background radiation and radioactivity, Nazim Mammadov said that the complex rapid tests were conducted to determine the degree of bacteriological, radiological and chemical contamination of settlements and cultivated areas located in the border areas and injured in the firing by Armenian military forces.

After listening to the discussions the report was found to be satisfactory. Research priorities were approved by the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences, given appropriate instructions.

Further discussions on a range of scientific and organizational issues were held. It was adopted decision on the announcement of the competition for a "Gold Medal of the Republic of Azerbaijan named after Nizami Ganjavi" and nominal prizes of ANAS, as well as on the implementation of the relevant works. The next question, which came on the agenda, was the question of the establishment of the Commission of Experts in the science departments of the academy in connection with elections to the members of ANAS. Academician-secretary of ANAS, Academician Rasim Alguliyev recalled the adoption of decisions of December 7 and December 14, 2016 regarding the conduct of elections Presidium of ANAS. He noted that to ensure the review of the documents submitted by the research departments of ANAS, was defined and submitted to the Bureau of expert commissions for units.

In order to ensure the examination of the documents submitted, taking into account the application of scientific departments, the Bureau decided on the creation and approval of the relevant expert committees. The meeting also approved the Regulations on the Commission on the fight against pseudoscience ANAS. It has given appropriate instructions in connection with the elections for the post of Director of the Institute of Petrochemical Processes and the Institute of Polymer Materials. The event discussed also the 110th anniversary of academician Hasan Aliyev, ANAS approved the Action Plan, prepared jointly with ANAS and the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment and Natural Resources.

It was decided to hold an international conference on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of Academician Aghamusa Akhundov. In addition, as decided in connection with the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev, the 70-year anniversary of the corresponding member of ANAS Akif Musayev and the 60-year anniversary of the corresponding member of ANAS Tofig Mammadov. Given the achievements in the development of Azerbaijani science, it was decided to award the Honorary Diploma of ANAS scientists, as well as conducting scientific sessions and conferences.

In conclusion, were considered a number of staff issues.

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