ANAS Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology held a regular meeting of the Scientific Council on the biology problems of the National Council for the research coordination.
First Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council, academician Irada Huseynova spoke about on the agenda issues. The scientist raised a number of issues related to the planning of scientific research, the construction of the structure, including the definition of the general direction. She noted the importance of a thorough discussion in the sections dissertations qualified scientists.
First Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council, Academician Irada Huseynova spoke about on the agenda issues. The scientist raised a number of issues related to the planning of scientific research, the construction of the structure, including the definition of the general direction. She noted the importance of a thorough discussion in the sections dissertations qualified scientists.
Then, under the relevant sections of the extensive discussion of doctoral students and candidates were held.
At the meeting, on the specialty of molecular biology were discussed 1 thesis for the degree of Doctor of Sciences and 1 - for the degree a Ph.D., on biochemistry specialty - 3 thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science, on botany specialtyin - 2 thesis for the degree of Doctor of sciences and 7 - on the degree of Ph.D., on zoology specialtyin - 1 thesis for the degree of Doctor of Sciences and 1 - for the degree of Doctor of philosophy. For the correct execution of research were given relevant recommendations.
In conclusion I.Huseynova recommended to heads of sections of Physico-Chemical Biology, Botany, Zoology, Physiology and Genetics of biodiversity resources to pay attention to the theme of scientific research and a more serious discussion in sections.
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