Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


06.03.2017 14:27
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International seminar on "Protecting the rights of refugees" kicked off

International seminar on "Protecting the rights of refugees" kicked off

With the cooperation of the European Union and ANAS Institute of Law and Human Rights within the framework of the EU program TAİEX two-day seminar on "Protecting the rights of refugees" kicked off.

Opening the event, Director of the Institute for Human Rights Aytan Mustafayeva said that, the main purpose of the seminar - the protection of the rights and freedoms of refugees and internally displaced persons, the analysis of the current situation in this field in Azerbaijan, conducting exchange of experience in the direction of providing them with state support in various fields.

Speaking on problems of refugees and IDPs in Azerbaijan and carried out in this area works, A.Mustafayeva said that, Azerbaijan's experience in this area is a model for Europe, which is now faced with the problem of migrants.

The program manager at office of the European Union in Azerbaijan Alessandro Budai told that, in connection with the geopolitical line item Azerbaijan is a good partner for the European Union: "For achievement of common goals we shall work jointly. Migration is the important direction in this sphere. The European Union tries to pursue the balanced policy in connection with migration. The EU is the main donor of the humanitarian assistance. In 2016 1 million dollars for protection of the rights of refugees and children of migrants was allocated, important work for prevention of their transformation in the victims of human trafficking is carried out".

A.Budai recalled the agreement reached between the EU and Turkey on the control of migration flows. According to him, in respect of refugees should be taken as the basis of human rights: "I believe that this event will feature proposals that will improve the lives of the refugees."

Chairman of the Administrative Court of Braunschweig Wolfgang Bartsch noted that Azerbaijan is developing successfully.

Sector chief of housing management of the State Committee for Work with Refugees and IDPs of Azerbaijan Nazim Isgandarov spoke about the work done in the field of resolution of internally displaced persons and refugees.

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