Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


20.04.2017 10:45
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Azerbaijani soil scientists collaborate with Korean colleagues

Azerbaijani soil scientists collaborate with Korean colleagues

ANAS Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry and Seoul National University of Korea was signed a cooperation agreement on joint research in the field of soil science, ecology, land reclamation, reclamation and protection of land on July 8, 2016.

According to the agreement, in accordance with the research program, work is continuing aimed at remote study of saline lands.

Within the framework of bilateral cooperation with the purpose of acquaintance with the course of research works, Professor of the Seoul National University, Korea Hi-Myung-ho and Dr. Juno Khan and the research engineer Nam Yang Yun visited at the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry on April 19.

The meeting spoke about the importance of cooperation between the two countries in the field of soil science. In the establishment of these ties, the role of the leadership was specially noted ANAS and the Association of the Azerbaijani-Korean Cultural Exchange SEBA (Seoul-Baku).

Further, was discussed the process of installation of the "Termo" device (ICP-OES), purchased as part of a joint project with Korean scientists.

Having familiarized with the material and technical base of the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry, guests noted the importance of conducting joint scientific and technical research work in the direction of monitoring saline lands.

In order to study the situation related to saline lands in Azerbaijan, according to the "Plan of measures due the organization of cotton production in 2017" are envisaged visits of Korean scientists to the Mugan plain, as well as Saatli and Sabirabad regions, which are important in the development of cotton growing.

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