Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


21.04.2017 17:01
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Bureau meeting of the Division of Social Sciences held

Bureau meeting of the Division of Social Sciences held

On April 21, National Museum of Azerbaijan History of ANAS held a bureau meeting of the Division of Social Sciences.

Opening the meeting Academician-Secretary of the Division corresponding member of ANAS Nargiz Akhundova brought to mind the issues of agenda.

Then, chief department of the Institute of Philosophy Dr. Philosophy Fuzuli Gurbanov delivered a lecture on “Interdisciplinary methodological approach in formation process” and made speech on common principles he stated that, interdisciplinary methodological approach is been reviewed as a part of post non-classical rationality.

According to the scientist, speaking on theoretical approaches, here include: complexity paradigm of synergistic, fuzzy logic theory and synthesis: fuzzy synergistic approaches. He also informed about methodological principles and scientific-categorical hardware-linguistic area.

Then, senior researcher of the Institute of Economy Dr.Economy Tabriz Aliyev was awarded the Certificate of Honor on the occasion of 70th jubilee. Meeting attendees congratulated him and wished successes.

The meeting also discussed issues of making changes to the structure of Academic Council of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, and approving new structures of Academic Councils to the Institute of Philosophy, Institute of Law and Human Rights and National Museum of Azerbaijan History, including several staff problems.

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