Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


12.05.2017 12:44
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Academician Akif Alizadeh met with ANAS undergraduates of final year

Academician Akif Alizadeh met with ANAS undergraduates of final year

Academician Akif Alizadeh met with ANAS undergraduates of final year. Academician noted that, despite the fact that the training in the magistracy was organized at ANAS recently the first successes have already been achieved in this field.

Head of the Academy also added that, the creation of the training at the master's level in ANAS is a very important step for attracting young people to scientific work.

Academician Akif Alizadeh said that, after graduation, all opportunities will be created for undergraduates to continue their activities in ANAS, to conduct scientific research and integrate into the world science.

Then, undergraduates talked about their practice and achievements gained over two years of training. Sharing their good impressions, undergraduates stressed that the lectures given by domestic and foreign scientists, participation in a number of national and international events, the experience gained during trips to foreign countries, the studies conducted in the laboratories of ANAS - all this played an important role in the formation of their scientific thinking.

Magistrates expressed their gratitude to the leadership of the Academy for the created conditions.

The meeting was attended by ANAS Vice-President, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev, Director of the Institute of Linguistics, Academician Mohsen Nagisoylu, Director of the Institute of Genetic Resources, corresponding member of ANAS Zeynal Akbarov, Director of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography, Doctor of Historical Sciences Maisa Rahimov, Head of the Department of Education and Science , corresponding member of ANAS Aminaga Sadigov, head of Office of Public Relations and Science Popularization Zulfuqar Farzaliev, head Master's of science and Education , PhD in Engineeringsciences Huseyn Huseynov.

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