On June 7, the Bureau of the Department of Chemical Sciences (DCS) held a regular meeting at the Presidium of ANAS.
Opening the event, Academician-Secretary of the Academy of Sciences, Academician Dilgam Taghiyev said that the meeting was devoted to the discussion of the course "Professor of ANAS".
The event was attended by members of the department, heads of scientific institutions, candidates for the DCS for the academic title of "Professor of ANAS".
First, questions were discussed regarding the organization of the competition "Professor of ANAS", conducted by the decision of the Presidium of ANAS from April 19, 2017. It was noted that 9 scientists were nominated for the sciences of chemistry. 7 of them are employees of Baku State University, 1 - Institute of Petrochemical Processes of ANAS, 1 - Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry.
It was noted that the academic title "Professor of ANAS" is awarded to doctors of science under the age of 50 years who are not members of ANAS, engaged in scientific or scientific and pedagogical activity in scientific institutions and higher schools, having scientific achievements of national and international level, special merit in training Highly specialized scientific personnel, strengthening of the unity of science and education, protection and development of statehood, as well as in the implementation of the basic tasks and functions of ANAS.
Then, the scientists who nominated their candidature for the academic title "Professor of ANAS" told about their activities and successes. They informed about the works carried out in the field of training highly qualified personnel, articles published in journals with high impact factor, implemented innovative projects and important scientific results.
Further, the candidates responded numerous questions of the department members.
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