Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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16.06.2017 15:37
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Conference on "Importance of Innovations and Technologies in the Implementation of Economic Reforms" held

Conference on "Importance of Innovations and Technologies in the Implementation of Economic Reforms" held

ANAS Central Scientific Library and the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communications (CAERC) held conference on "Importance of Innovations and Technologies in Implementing Economic Reforms" at on June 16.

The aim of the conference was to inform the scientific community about the economic reforms being carried out in the country under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, as well as getting acquainted with the proposals of scientists and specialists engaged in relevant fields.

Opening the event, ANAS President, Academician Akif Alizadeh spoke about cooperation between ANAS and CAERC. He noted that, this cooperation will promote the commercialization of science, the organization of interrelations between science and production, as well as the development of fruitful relationships in this field. Academician also informed that, necessary measures are being implemented on the territory of ANAS High Technologies Park aimed at organizing business activities.

Then the Executive Director of the Center for Economic Development and Trade, Doctor of Economic Sciences Vusal Gasimli spoke about the reforms implemented in Azerbaijan in the field of building the knowledge economy. He stressed that only by meeting the requirements of advanced technologies, the country's manufacturing enterprises will be able to improve their competitiveness.

Rector of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Academician Urhan Alakbarov, Rector of the Azerbaijan State Economic University, Doctor of economy sciences Adalat Muradov, Director of the Institute of Economics of ANAS, Doctor of economy sciences Nazim Imanov, President of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Azerbaijan Mammad Musayev, Director of the Park High Technologies of ANAS, PhD in agrarian sciences Vugar Babayev and others noted that in order for the fatherland Natural science has taken a leading position in the scientific and technological processes taking place in the world, the development of high technologies and innovations need to be given even greater attention.

It was also stressed that, the creation by the Order of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev dated November 8, 2016 of the High Technologies Park of ANAS is a clear example of state support aimed at the long-term development of the economy and increasing its competitiveness, expanding the spheres of innovation and high technologies based on modern scientific and technological achievements.

The conference noted that, the economic reforms implemented in Azerbaijan also have a positive impact on the development of innovations and technologies. It was particularly emphasized that the "Digital Trade Node of Azerbaijan" was created in CAERC.

It should be noted that according to the memorandum on cooperation, signed on November 16, 2016 between ANAS and CAERC, such events will be held periodically.

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