ANAS Presidium held a meeting with the delegation headed by the Minister of Research, Innovation and Science of Ontario Canada Reza Moridi on September 5.
First, ANAS President, Academician Akif Alizadeh informed the guests about the history of the establishment and activities of the scientific institution. He noted that, ANAS, which has a 72 history, carries out numerous studies and innovative projects in the priority areas of science.
The scientist noted that, goal of the organization in the ANAS of the graduate courses in 2015 was to attract young people to the scientific environment and increase their scientific thinking: "The difference of the undergraduates of ANAS from the undergraduates of other universities is that after the completion of the bachelor’s education the first will be able to pass an internship in scientific laboratories ".
Informing about the High-Tech Park (HTP) of ANAS, established by the Order of President Ilham Aliyev in 2016, head of the academy noted that, Park will give impetus to the expansion of the spheres of high technologies and innovations, as well as to the sustainable development of the country's economy.
A.Alizadeh noted the importance of studying the experience of Canadian specialists working in the relevant field for the sustainable development of HTP and urged scientists of both countries to cooperate in this direction.
Minister of Research, Innovation and Science of Ontario Canada R.Moridi informed about the province he represented. According to him, Ontario is one of the leading provinces in terms of the growth of the gross domestic product. He noted that in Ontartio, where many leading universities are located, large funds are allocated for the development of basic sciences.
Noting that, 8 innovation centers operate in Ontario, the guest said that large and small innovative parks have also been created here. He brought to the attention that along with the institutions involved in economics, natural sciences, medicine and information technologies, there are also large underground laboratories.
In conclusion, expressing interest in establishing cooperation with the academy, R.Moridi invited the scientists of ANAS in Ontario to familiarize them with the scientific innovation parks and scientific institutions of the province.
ANAS Vice-President, Academician Ibrahim Guliyev, academician-secretary of ANAS, Academician Rasim Alguliyev, head of the department of international relations, PhD on biology Esmira Alirzayeva and the head of the department of public relations and popularization of science Zulfugar Farzaliyev also took part in the meeting.
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