The report, which was discussed on September 22 at a meeting of ANAS Presidium, was devoted to the use of quantum technologies and its development prospects.
Academician-Secretary of the Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Physics, Academician Nazim Mammadov said that, in 1911 the Nobel prize laureate Max Planck introduced a new quantum theory for discussion, and thereby laid the foundations of the modern scientific direction.
Informing that, in the last century scientific centers were created in many states aimed at the development of new technologies based on the quantum approach, the academician spoke about their activity and the role of the ideas of quantum physics in the development of science and new technologies, including artificial intelligence, subjective Internet , Big Data, robotics, cryptography, etc.
Academician Nazim Mammadov noted that, in our republic scientific research work in the field of quantum physics began to be carried out, beginning in the 1970s. of the last century, we have a sufficiently strong human potential and a stable methodological base in the field of quantum mechanics. Speaking about scientific research conducted in the institutes of Physics, Mathematics and Mechanics, Radiation Problems of ANAS, and also at the Baku State University, the scientist reported that the results of these studies are reflected in the articles published in journals with a high impact factor, and Experimental work in this field is carried out jointly with a number of scientific centers of the world.
Having noted that there are more than hundred computer programs which are based on quantum approach, Academician has told about application of these programs for the solution of a wide range of tasks which have multidisciplinary character, and has reported that, a number of programs are widely used at Institute of physics.
In conclusion, scientist noted the need to expand cooperation between scientific institutions engaged in this sphere, and strengthening relationships with leading scientific centers of the world.
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