Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


04.10.2017 10:37
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A conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of outstanding scientist Sultan Sultanov

A conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of outstanding scientist Sultan Sultanov

Scientific-technical conference "Fuel, fuel components, special purpose fluids, oils and additives" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Sultan Sultanov was held at the Institute of Petrochemical Processes named after Academician Y.H.Mammadaliyev (IPP).

The event was opened by academician Vagif Abbasov and spoke about S.Sultanov's scientific activity. He noted that the main scientific direction of the scientist was to improve the quality of jet fuel and to purchase new types of fuel. Abbasov said that as a result of the research carried out by the professor, the foundation of the new scientific direction was laid in the processing of Azerbaijani oil.

The director of the Institute of Additives Chemistry, academician Vagif Farzaliyev, the scientist's family member, director of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, acad. Irada Huseynova and her student Hamlet Maharramov spoke about S.Sultanov's memories.

Senior scientific worker of IPP, doctor of technical sciences Sayyara Aliyeva made a report on "Professor S.A.Sultanov's life and creativity".

Later, the conference continued its work with plenary sessions.

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