Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


03.11.2017 15:22
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Held the meeting of the United Veterans Council of ANAS

Held the meeting of the United Veterans Council of ANAS

The meeting of the United Veterans Council (UVC) was held in the main building of ANAS.

Head of Office of Public Relations and Science Popularization of the Presidium Zulfugar Farzaliyev, Acting Chairman of the Free Trade Union, Doctor of Law, Professor Habil Qurbanov and chairmen of veteran councils of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS took part in the event.

Chairman of the meeting, correspondent member of ANAS Rafig Gasimov said that works on improvement of the social condition of veterans, concessions and payment of allowances are taking place. He stressed the importance of determining the age rating of members of the veteran councils at the institutes. 

Later, Deputy Chairman of the UVC Eldar Guliyev recalled that on June 28, 1994, the Law on Veterans was adopted. He noted that the document provides social and legal protection of veterans, provision of living space, labor law without any restrictions, participation in socially useful activity.

Then chairman of the Free Trade Union, Doctor of Law, Professor Habil Gurbanov urged the chairpersons to be careful when preparing their veterans' lists. He noted that the Fund for Science Support will start operating soon enough for scientists aged over 70.

Zulfugar Farzaliyev, head of the Office of Public Relations and Science Popularization of the Presidium urged veterans to cooperate with "Elm" newspaper. He noted that they can share their life experiences with young people in the newspaper under the name of "Veteran word".

Finally, a number of current issues were discussed at the meeting.

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