Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


08.12.2017 14:29
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Finished international conference devoted to Academician Akif Hajiyev's 80th anniversary

Finished international conference devoted to Academician Akif Hajiyev's 80th anniversary

ANAS held international conference on "Modern problems of mathematics and mechanics" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the outstanding scientist-mathematician, Honored Scientist, Academician Akif Hajiyev on December 8.

The event, organized at the Central Scientific Library was opened by ANAS President, Academician Akif Alizadeh. He noted that, the prominent scientist Akif Hajiyev is one of the outstanding personalities who left a deep trace of having great merits in the development of mathematics and mechanics in Azerbaijan, the preparation of highly specialized mathematicians.

Academician-Secretary of the ANAS Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences, Academician Nazim Mammadov spoke about the life and creative of the late Akif Hajiyev. He noted that, after graduating from high school Akif Hajiyev began his scientific work in the Department of Theory of Functions of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences: "In 1961 Akif Hajiyev, while continuing his scientific research in the field of function theory was appointed to the post of Academic Secretary of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics and worked in this position for six years. In 1962 published articles on the theory of approximation of functions.

Then, Academicians Telman Aliyev, Yusif Mammadov, correspondent members of ANAS Misir Mardanov, Bilal Bilalov, Vagif Guliyev, Professor Nizameddin Isgandarov and others spoke about the high human qualities of Academician A.Hajiyev, shared their memories of his services in the development of modern mathematical science.

In conclusion, brother of the late Academician Agil Hajiyev shared his memories. On behalf of his family, he expressed gratitude to the leadership of ANAS for organizing the conference, as well as to all participants of the event.

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