Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


11.12.2017 17:10
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ANAS held a meeting with a famous American woman astronaut

ANAS held a meeting with a famous American woman astronaut

ANAS Research Center "Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia" hosted a meeting with a woman astronaut of NASA, a member of the crew member "Space Shuttle" and the captain of the fleet Heidemarie Martha Stefanyshyn-Piper on December 11.

Opening the event, held by the support of the Scientists House, President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh  expressed his satisfaction with the meeting. The scientist noted that the development of cosmonautics has received a wide scope in our country.

Touching upon relations of ANAS and "Azerkosmos" scientist brought to the attention that has already begun to be taken comprehensive measures to put into orbit another satellite of Azerbaijan.

A.Alizadeh expressed interest in studying the processes occurring in the bowels of the earth, and cooperation in the field of joint space research.

Adviser of the US Embassy on culture and education to Azerbaijan Heidi Smith highly appreciated the space research conducted in Azerbaijan and stressed the importance of expanding ties with ANAS in the relevant fields.

Academician-Secretary of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS, Academician Nazim Mammadov in his speech put forward the importance of meeting with the cosmonaut in terms of increasing the interest of young people in this field and noted the need for regular holding of such events. The scientist emphasized the importance of preparing scientific projects of modern space research.

Chairman of the Board of Azercosmos Rashad Nabiyev in his speech spoke about the activities of the structure headed by him, offered satellite services and perspective plans.

Then, H.Piper informed about the main activities of the structure she represented. Noting that, NASA had already selected 12 cosmonauts, H.Piper brought to the attention that, among them there were women. She stressed that, in accordance with the special conditions of ANAS, the number of female cosmonauts was small and stressed the need for technical education in this area.

Talking about the studies aimed at studying space, the astronaut reported that they are in outer space for about 33 hours. She stressed that, space is an ideal environment for learning, research and analysis.

She also talked about the US experience in the field of space exploration and research.

In conclusion, responded questions of the participants of the event.

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