Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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22.12.2017 14:53
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ANAS held a conference dedicated to the Agil Aliyev’s 90th anniversary of prominent scientist-economist

ANAS held a conference dedicated to the Agil Aliyev’s 90th anniversary of prominent scientist-economist

ANAS Main Building held Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the prominent scientist-economist, Honored Scientist, Corresponding Member of ANAS, Professor Agil Aliyev by the with the organizational support of the Institute of Economy on December 22.

At the event, Director of the Institute of Economics, Doctor of Economy Sciences, Professor Nazim Imanov described the scientist-economist Agil Aliyev as a talented teacher, an able organizer and caring person. It was said that, thanks to his fruitful scientific and pedagogical activity, Agil Aliyev made a worthy contribution to the development of the Azerbaijani economy and education.

Then, Professor of the Azerbaijan State Economic University, student of Agil Aliyev, Natik Gasimov delivered a report on the life and scientific and pedagogical activity of the outstanding scientist. He noted that, A.Aliyev had a long time lecturing on political economy at the Azerbaijan Medical University, worked as the head of the department. In his studies, a special place is played by the relationship between health and economic development.

It was noted that, the students of Professor Agil Aliyev are currently performing successfully in various sectors of the country's economy, higher education institutions and research institutes.

N.Gasimov noted that, the scientifically-pedagogical and public activity of the scientist is highly appreciated by the state. In 1982, he was awarded the honorary title, Honored Worker of Science, awarded the Order "Shohrat" and several other state awards.

Speaking at the event, the head of the department of the Institute of Economics, doctor of economic sciences, Professor Rena Sultanova stressed that the scientist constantly supported young researchers and created a scientific school in this field.

Then, head of the Department of the Institute of Economy, Doctor of Economics, Professor Isa Alyev shared his memories of the famous scientist.

In conclusion, speaking on behalf of the family members of Agil Aliyev, Etibar Gasimov expressed gratitude to the management and staff of the Institute of Economics of ANAS for organizing the event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the scientist.

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