Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


22.12.2017 15:58
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ANAS to take practical measures aimed at improving the social situation of young people

ANAS to take practical measures aimed at improving the social situation of young people

The Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry held a meeting of the Board of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists (CYSS) of ANAS.

ANAS Vice-President, Director of the institute, academician Dilgam Tagiyev, head of the department of affairs of the Presidium, Doctor of political sciences Fatali Abdullayev, chairman of the United Trade Union Committee, doctor of law Gabil Gurbanov, deputy directors on general issues of scientific institutions, the chairmen of the trade unions and the young academics.

In his speech at the meeting, chairman of the CYSS, Ph.D. in Physics, associate professor Famin Salmanov brought to the attention of the participants of the event the issues on the agenda.

The head of the Department of Affairs F.Abdullaev informed the young scientists about the housing complex "Science City", which will be built for the staff of ANAS in Saray settlement of Absheron region.

He noted that, over the past 4 years, practical measures have been taken towards the return of occupied lands belonging to ANAS. He noted that the land with a plot of 1,705 hectares in Khizi, 160 hectares in Aghsu, 132 hectares in Kurdamir and 35 hectares in Absheron was seized and documented. The scientist reported on the construction of a cooperative residential complex "Science City" for employees of ANAS in the village of Saray, Absheron region on a plot of 7 hectares F.Abdullayev noted that, initially the building will consist of two blocks and later a complex consisting of 18 blocks and about 2 thousand apartments will be put into operation. He said that, the complex also planned to build a school building for 1000 students and a kindergarten for 200 people. "Construction work should be completed in 1.5 years, for 2 years apartments will be provided with all communication lines, and for 2.3 years - documents."

He brought to the attention that, the construction of the residential complex "Science City", which is intended exclusively for the staff of ANAS, will be conducted under the control of the Department of Affairs, the United Trade Union Committee and the construction company.

F.Abdullaev brought to attention that in the near future the foundation laying ceremony will take place.

The scientists also recalled the opening of the "Guest House" of ANAS in the current year and the planning of commissioning a polyclinic for the Academy staff

Then, the chairman of the Trade Union Gabil Gurbanov spoke, who said that the town would be built at the expense of the staff of ANAS and provided with the necessary transport infrastructure.

In addition, the chairman of the Trade Union announced the holding of a competition next year with the participation of young scientists of the republic on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev and awarding winners with cash prizes.

Then, the meeting heard the reports of the CYSS on the branches of the Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences and Earth Sciences.

In conclusion, were held discussions on the results of the First Congress of Young Scientists of Azerbaijan.

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