Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


29.12.2017 10:50
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Academician Jamil Guliyev is 90th

Academician Jamil Guliyev is 90th

ANAS Presidium and the Institute of History held event dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the prominent historian, Laureate of the Shohrat and Istiglal Orders, Academician Jamil Guliyev.

Speaking at an event Vice-President of the Academy, academician Isa Habibbayli spoke about Jamil Guliyev's exceptional merits in the development and propaganda of the Azerbaijani historical science. He noted that, in 1975-1988 under the leadership of the scientist, the work "The Soviet Soviet Encyclopedia", which was held from ten volumes, was prepared, which is still used today as a valuable source.

Having told about his acquaintance with Jamil Guliyev during the preparation of the Nakhchivan Encyclopedia, the vice-president of ANAS noted that the scientist was sensitive to archival materials and made a great contribution to the source study. He brought to attention that the historical merits of Guliyev were highly appreciated by the country's leadership. The scientist was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science" and the Orders "Shohrat" and "Istiglal".

Then, Director of the Institute of History, academician Yagub Mahmudov in his speech spoke about the scientific and pedagogical activities of academician Jamil Guliyev. It was stressed that, due to diligence the scientist rose to the posts of vice-president of ANAS and rector of BSU. In the period of the USSR, were published his three-volume and seven-volume books "History of Azerbaijan".

Y.Mahmudov noted that G. Guliyev repeatedly represented our country in international forums. The director of the Institute brought to attention that the school of historians and his students created by G. Guliyev is successfully operating in various parts of the world.

Then, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Social Sciences, academician Nargiz Akhundova in her speech noted that the merit of G.Guliyev is undeniable in carrying out large-scale studies in the field of social sciences in accordance with the requirements of the time and studying the history of Azerbaijan on the basis of new sources in our country. She stressed that the scientist is the author of more than 400 scientific papers and in his publications he first brought to the public historical facts about Azerbaijan.

At the event, the report of the deputy director on the scientific work of the Institute of History, Doctor of Philosophy on the history of Djabi Bakhramov, spoke about the contributions of G. Guliyev, contributed to the training of personnel in history in our country.

Then, Professor Izzat Rustamov, Doctor of historical sciences Asadulla Jafarov and doctor of philosophy on history Haji Hasanov told about the great contribution of J. Guliyev to the Azerbaijani science and shared his memories about him.

In conclusion, speaking on behalf of the academician's family, the son of a prominent scientist Rustam Guliyev expressed gratitude to the organizers and participants of the event.

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