Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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24.01.2018 14:51
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Report of the scientific and organizational activity of ANAS Department of Earth Sciences in 2017

Report of the scientific and organizational activity of ANAS Department of Earth Sciences in 2017

Institute of Geology and Geophysics held regular meeting of ANAS Presidium on January 24.

First of all, ANAS President, academician Akif Alizadeh informed the audience about the issues on the agenda.

Then, academician-secretary of the Division of Earth Sciences, academician Fakhraddin Gadirov delivered a report reflecting the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of the department in 2017. Academician noted that, in the reporting year, state programs, instructions of the head of ANAS and decisions of the Presidium were taken as a basis for the activities of the scientific institutions of the department.

Academician F.Gadirov said that, last year the department carried out research on the 41st topic, covering 14 problems, one topic was completed; also, a number of multidisciplinary research programs were carried out by researchers from scientific institutions. The reporter emphasized that six important results were obtained in the offices of the department, three important results in other research, education and industry institutions. At the same time, work on five business agreements was completed, work on one contract was continuing.

Speaking about the publishing activity of the department, the academician noted that 100 theses were published in the reporting year, 43 of which were published abroad, 299 articles, 125 of which were published abroad, and 16 books, 8 of which are monographs, in journals with impact factor published 60 articles. The book "Geosciences of Azerbaijan: Volume II: Economic Geology and Applied Geophysics" was published by Springer. In addition, the Landscape map of Azerbaijan and the geography Atlas for grades 6-11 of general education schools were published.

Noted that, the group of scientists was working on a new technological method of obtaining fertilizers through rational use of minerals and industrial wastes, academician F.Gadirov emphasized that the result was tested at the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry and will soon be tested in the High Technology Park of ANAS.

The academician-secretary of the department noted that in the reporting year the department employees received a number of grants from the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Science Foundation of the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerkosmos OJSC, the Ukrainian Science and Technology Center, as well as within the framework of the UNESCO program.

Speaking about the works performed last year in the sphere of science and education integration, the academician said that the basic departments of higher schools created successfully at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics successfully continued their activities. He noted that within the framework of the Open Doors Day, organized at the same institute for students of the Faculty of Geology of BSU, the students get acquainted with the achievements of the scientific institution. Also, within the framework of the respective programs, BSU and undergraduates of BSU and students of the SABAH groups have been practicing in the branch offices.

Speaking about the international relations of the department, the speaker said that during the visit to Azerbaijan of the vice-president of the Israel Academy of Natural and Human Sciences in the field of earth sciences, Professor Zvi Ben-Avraham, an agreement was reached on expanding ties, organizing mutual trips and obtaining master's degrees in education universities in Israel.

Academician F.Gadirov noted that the scientific institutions continued cooperation with the University of Leeds (England), the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS-INSU) and the University of Toulouse (France), the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.Gubkin, the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Russia), Institute of Marine Science and Technology and Dokkuz Eylul University (Turkey), Mangistau Humanitarian University (Kazakhstan), Chevron, Mitsubishi Corporation and BP, as well as scientific but-research organizations of other Caspian countries. The scientist stressed that last year the international research laboratories "Modern geodynamics of the Earth's surface and geological threats", "Spatial-temporal analysis of earthquakes and threat", "Seismotomography" and "Azerbaijan-Russian Scientific Research Laboratory".

Academician-Secretary of the Department noted that, several scientists were awarded state and international awards in the reporting year: "According to the Order of the Head of State, academician Khoshbakht Yusifzade was awarded the “Order of Labor” first degree, academician Akper Feizullayev the “Order of Labor” third degree, corresponding members ANAS Galib Efendiyev and Dadash Huseynov are medals of Taraggi. The vice-president of ANAS, the director of the Institute of Oil and Gas, academician Ibrahim Guliyev was awarded the Order of the Republic of Azerbaijan "Shohrat" ("Glory"), the honorary medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences "For the Benefit of the Fatherland" and the Order of the EcoWorld International Environmental Award "For saving lives on Earth".

After listening to the report, discussions were held, academicians Gatam Guliyev, Parviz Mammadov, corresponding member of ANAS Misir Mardanov and other speakers put forward their proposals and recommendations.

In conclusion, a resolution was adopted to approve the report and include it in the Academy's annual report.

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