Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

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29.01.2018 12:28
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"Azerbaijan Democratic Republic - fundamental ideas of National Statehood and Modernity" conference

"Azerbaijan Democratic Republic - fundamental ideas of National Statehood and Modernity" conference

The scientific conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was held at the Institute of Philosophy of ANAS, entitled "Azerbaijan Democratic Republic - fundamental ideas of National Statehood and Modernity".

The event was organized by ANAS Division of Social Sciences, Philosophy Institute and Knowledge Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The conference was opened by Vice President of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli and recalled the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the 100th Anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic" dated May 16, 2017. The academician also said that 2018 was proclaimed as the Year of the People's Republic of Azerbaijan and that the Action Plan of ANAS was prepared in connection.

Conferences dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the ADR were organized by the Institute of History and Economy and said that events are planned to be held in Georgia, Turkey and France this year, Habibbeyli lined out.

Academician-Secretary of the Division of Social Sciences of ANAS, academician Nargiz Akhundova spoke about the political situation ADR established. After the First World War, the Tsardom of Russia began to weaken and people began to claim independence. ADR was established in the Muslim East and achieved significant reforms in a 23-month period, and achieved success in social, economic, educational and other spheres, empahised N.Akhundova.

Speaking at the conference, Head of Office of the Knowledge Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Doctor of Law, Professor Isakhan Valiyev touched upon the legal aspects of the activity of ADR.

Then, Director of the Institute of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Ilham Mammadzadeh called the declaration of the Year of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic as the national identity issue in 2018. He said the series of events will be continued in connection with the 100th anniversary of ADR.

Later, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of philosophical sciences Konul Bunyadzade's "Triad of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic: Nation, Western Culture and Faith", Ph.D. of philosophical sciences, Faig Alakbarli's report "The embodiment of the national idea of Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan Democratic Republic " was listened.

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