Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


21.02.2018 16:07
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Mother tongue has an exceptional role for every nation

Mother tongue has an exceptional role for every nation

An event dedicated to the International Mother Language Day was held at the Electronic Hall of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi on February 21.

First, the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan sounded.

Vice-president of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Isa Habibbeyli spoke about the unique role of mother tongue in the life of every nation. He spoke about the state programs, projects and measures implemented in our country and in ANAS, in the development, protection and promotion of our language. The comprehensive development of our mother tongue, the protection of its purity, the functioning of the language and the system of international relations are the result of the policy of national leader Heydar Aliyev, the speaker lined out.

Emphasizing the importance of protecting our mother tongue from alien influences, academician I.Habibbayli spoke about state language policy. He underlined the importance of President Ilham Aliyev's decree "On the State Program on the use of Azerbaijani language in accordance with the requirements of time in the context of globalization and the development of linguistics in the country".

Then Director of the Linguistics Institute, academician Mohsun Nagisoylu spoke on the 21st of February - the International Mother Language Day, and noted that this remarkable day was widely celebrated worldwide. It was reported that the International Mother Language Day was set up at the UNESCO General Conference's Thirty-fifth Session in 1999. The scientist stressed that Persian, Arabic and European languages ​​have strongly influenced the Azerbaijani language so far, and the use of Russian language is at home level.

Speaking about the measures taken in the development and promotion of our language at the Linguistic Institute, M.Najisoylu noted that the main task of this science institution is to protect the purity of the mother tongue, to control the expectation of literary language norms, and to clean the language.

Speaking at the event, the director of the secondary school No 1 in Mehdiabad settlement of Absheron district, Panah Babayev, said that the educational institutions play an indispensable role in the admiration of our language, promotion of the students. Each student should know the sacredness of his mother tongue and the importance of protecting him from a young age.

At the end, pupils of secondary school №1 of Mehdiabad settlement of Absheron region have presented their poems dedicated to mother tongue.

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