Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


The international conference "From Khurshidbanu Natavan to Parvin Etesami" held
22.02.2018 13:18
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The international conference "From Khurshidbanu Natavan to Parvin Etesami" held

On February 22nd at the Electronic hall of ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami was held the international conference "From Khurshidbanu Natavan to Parvin Etesami".

Opening the event, vice-president of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that, the relations between Iran and Azerbaijan continue to develop in all spheres. These ties, the basis of which was laid by the great leader Heydar Aliyev are currently continuing in the field of science and culture. He noted that today the ANAS expands its relations with scientific research institutes and universities of Iran.

Academician I.Habibbayli stressed that, in accordance with the protocol signed between the Literature Institute and the University of Tabriz, with joint organizational support of the two structures in Iran and Azerbaijan, anniversary events and scientific conferences devoted to the life and work of prominent artists are held.

Noting that the event is dedicated to the work of two poetesses, the vice-president of ANAS brought to the attention that H.Natavan is one of the outstanding 19th century poetesses and a public figure that played an important role in the life of Karabakh. In 1872, thanks to her in Shusha from the source of Isa-Bulag, a water pipeline was built. lived only 35 years Parvin Etesami was a famous poet, whose creative path was different from the comparison of human emotions with the phenomena of nature.

I.Habibbeyli expressed confidence that, today's conference will contribute to mutual study, study of life and creativity of both poetesses, in cooperation in this direction.

Further, the chairman of the Iranian Organization of Islamic Relations and Culture, Dr. Abuzar Ibrahimi Turkmen noted that, Azerbaijan, which has a rich culture, contributed to world literature of great personalities. Stressing that Natavan, who left a deep trace in Azerbaijani literature, Abuzar Ibrahimi Turkmen sounded samples from the poet's work. He expressed confidence that the conference will play a big role in the development of cultural ties between our countries.

The chairman of the Cultural Center of the Iranian Embassy in Azerbaijan Asghar Farsi analyzed the works of H.Natavan and P.Etasami and pointed to similar and distinctive features on the examples.

The conference continued with reports on the life and work of the poetesses.

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