A scientific seminar "Relations between ADR and Iran in 1918-1920" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR) was held at the Lenkoran Regional Scientific Center (LRSC) of ANAS.
In an event organized jointly with the Lenkoran State University, director of the LRSC, Professor Farman Guliyev noted that, 1918 was rich in memorable events in the history of the Azerbaijani people. Recalling that on May 28 of the same year the first democratic republic was formed in the East, Professor F.Guliyev described this day as a socio-political event in the life of all Eastern peoples. He stated that from the moment of proclamation of the republic - on May 28, 1918 to the day of its disintegration - on April 28, 1920, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic participated in a complex diplomatic struggle for recognition on the international arena. Despite all the injustices and artificially created obstacles, it managed to achieve political success, which had exceptional historical significance.
Deputy Director of the Scientific Research Center for Scientific Research, Doctor of Philosophy on History Mais Jafarov spoke about the relations of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic with Iran, the political processes that took place at that time in the Caucasus region, the role of the Republic in the development of Azerbaijani statehood. He stressed that ADR is one of the most important events not only for Azerbaijan, but also for the Turkic, Muslim world and the East in general.
Fahraddin Huseyn, senior lecturer of the Department of Archeology of the LRSC, Ph.D. in History Samir Kerimov, head of the International Relations Department of the Leningrad State University, Ph.D. in history Zaur Mammadov, teacher of the Lankaran Humanitarian College Jamil Guliyev, teacher of the history of the school No. 9 of the city of Lenkoran Rakhim Nuriyev and others gave detailed information about the activities and founders of the ADR.
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