Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


20.04.2018 10:45
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ANAS celebrated the 535th anniversary of eminent Uzbek scientist Zahiraddin Mahammad Babur

ANAS celebrated the 535th anniversary of eminent Uzbek scientist Zahiraddin Mahammad Babur

An international scientific conference dedicated to the 535th anniversary of the great Uzbek thinker, prominent statesman, encyclopedic scientist and poet Zahiraddin Mahammad Babur was held by the organization Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi and the Embassy of Uzbekistan to Azerbaijan.

Opening the conference, ANAS Vice-President, director of the institute, academician Isa Habibbeyli spoke about the history and modern development of literary relations between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, as well as about the public activity of M.Babur as a prominent statesman and his artistic heritage. It was noted that, Shah Ismail Khatai and Mohammed Babur were powerful personalities who proved the existence of a great tradition of statehood in the East.

In his speech, Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Azerbaijan Sherzod Faiziev brought to the attention that the rich creativity of Muhammad Babur and today forms an ideal basis for the development of mutual literary relations.

Speaking at the event, Chairman of the Agrarian Committee of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of Azerbaijan-Uzbekistan Friendship Society Eldar Ibrahimov and Indian Ambassador to Azerbaijan Sanjay Rana Mohammed Babur spoke about the richness of the statehood and poetry.

At international conference were listened papers by Professor of Tashkent National University Hamidulla Baltabayev on "Studying of Zahiraddin Mahammad Babur's Work in Uzbekistan", Doctor of Philology Almaz Ulvi on "Baburogullari Architecture and Art in India: Humayun and Tomb and Its Architect", Doctor of Philology Yashar Gasimbeyli on "Zahiraddin Mahammad Babur's lyrics: statehood and poetry" and lecturer by Akif Azalp on "Baburnama" as a national encyclopedia of universal genre".

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