ANAS Sheki Regional Scientific Center (SRSC) and the executive power of Sheki held a theoretical conference on "The Azerbaijani Democratic Republic is our history of honor and dignity" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.
Opening the conference, head of the Department of Public, Political and Humanitarian Affairs of the executive power of Sheki Zarina Javadova spoke about the history, meaning of ADR and about events held at the level of the country's leadership.
Then, Director of the SRRC, Doctor of Philosophy in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor Yusif Shukurlu recalled the Order of the President of the country "On the 100th Anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic" of May 16, 2017. He noted that, on May 28, 1918 the Declaration on the recognition of the independence of Azerbaijan was adopted, after the first parliament of the country was formed, borders were determined, the state flag, anthem and coat of arms were declared, the native language was declared the state language. Y.Shukurlu also noted that, during the period of the ADR the territorial integrity and national security of the country were ensured, in a short time a powerful efficient army was created, attention was paid to the development of education and culture, the first university of Azerbaijan was established.
Then, conference were listened reports by, Head of the Department of Historical Heritage and Ethnography of the SRRC, Rahim Hasanov on "The Role of Political Figures in the Establishment of the Republic", Chief Scientific Officer of the same department, Professor Firadun Ibragimov on "Education in Azerbaijan during the ADR Period", a research of the same department, PhD in history Akif Mammadli on "Historical policy of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic", a research officer of the institution Elshan Abdurrahmanov on "Socio-political situation in Shekin on the eve of the creation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic", research Elchin Veliyev on "Culture in the period of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic", Gabil Khalilov on "Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and the Caucasian Islamic Army".
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