Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


21.05.2018 10:34
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Academician Naila Valikhanli awarded the Honor Diploma of ICOM Azerbaijan National Committee

Academician Naila Valikhanli awarded the Honor Diploma of ICOM Azerbaijan National Committee

Academician Naila Velikhanli, Director of the National Museum of Azerbaijan History of ANAS, was awarded the diploma in the nomination "Honorary member" by the ICOM (International Council of Museums) National Committee of Azerbaijan.

The academician deserved the award for his contributions to the committee's activities.

Note that, ICOM was founded in 1946 in Paris. The organization is engaged in the protection of the material and non-material heritage of the world, combining 35,000 museums from 137 countries.

ICOM's National Committee of Azerbaijan was established in 1992 by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the congress of museum workers. On June 8, 1993, the National Committee of Azerbaijan was officially approved at the 78th meeting of the ICOM Executive Council.

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