Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

The first website of Azerbaijan (1995)


02.07.2018 15:07
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The scientists of the Institute of Linguistics attended the symposium held in Ankara

The scientists of the Institute of Linguistics attended the symposium held in Ankara

A symposium titled "Atebetul Hakayik and the first period Turkish scientific works" was held in Ankara, Turkey.

Director of the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi of ANAS, academician Mohsun Nagisoylu, Head of Education Department of the same institute, Gatibe Guliyeva and responsible secretary of "Turkology" magazine, Ph.D. Elchin Ibrahimov participated in the meeting.

At the symposium, academician M.Nagisoylu made a report on the subject "Persian-Turkish dictionaries of XIII-XIV centuries enriching Turkic language". The speaker said that Persian-Turkic dictionaries played an important role in the enrichment of national literary language in Azerbaijan. One of the most popular bilingual dictionaries of this period is the work of the famous scientist of the period Fakhraddin Hindushah bin Senjar Nakhchivani’s "Sihahul-ajamiya".

Academician M.Nagisoylu noted that "Sihahul-ajam" dictionary, which includes the richness of Turkish language, is of great importance in studying various means of vocabulary in the XIII century Azerbaijani and Turkish languages.

At the event reports were made and discussions were held on various topics.

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